


Ukrainian national movement, national issue, national idea, White Movement, great-power chauvinism


The article is devoted to the ethnopolitics of the White Movement on the territory of Ukraine in 1919–1920. The White Movement was formed in the South of the former Russian Empire and was forced to take into account the diverse composition of the alien population of the country. The author examines the stages of the birth of the White Movement, its position towards national minorities and national movements that were activated during the revolution and the overthrow of autocracy. The leaders of the White Movement failed to elaborate a single model of relations with “aliens”, except for
to return to the shameful practice of tsarist times. Basing on significant sources, it is proved that the “White project” considered national movements as enemies of the “single and indivisible Russia”, as separatist and anti-state. The article presents various documents and facts of the actions of the Denikin regime directed against Ukrainian society. The ideology of the White Guard was filled with Ukrainophobia and anti-Semitism. The publication presents numerous facts of Jewish pogroms and persecution of Ukrainians exclusively
on national grounds. The author carries out a content analysis of various publications of Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish authors who addressed this problem. Historical contexts are supported by materials from various sources from archives and memoirs of the direct participants of events. The article convincingly proves the futility of the ethnopolitics of the “Whites” in Ukraine, which was denied by the majority of the Ukrainian society, regardless of their political preferences.From the very beginning and to the inglorious historical finale, the White Guard was based on violence and great-power chauvinism. The policy of “restoration” proposed by the leaders of the White Movement was unrealistic and did not meet the challenges of time and public expectations.


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How to Cite

Ladnyi, Y. (2019). NATIONAL ISSUE IN IDEOLOGY AND PRACTICE OF THE WHITE MOVEMENT OF THE SOUTH OF RUSSIA (1919–1920). Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (8), 27–35.



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