
  • Oleg Kalakura Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher, Department of National Minorities of I. F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




Ukrainian Revolution 1917–1921, Ukrainian Central Rada, ethnopolitics, independence of Ukraine, national minorities, interethnic relations, political nation


The article discusses important component of Ukrainian revolution of 1917–1921 — activities of the Central Council in the case of involvement minorities to the Ukrainian statehood processes. The role of interethnic unity in the two top events of the modern history of the Ukrainian people was highlighted — the proclamation of the Fourth Universal of the Central Council in 1918 and the Act of Independence of Ukraine in 1991, by using the comparative method. It is analyzed steps of the Ukrainian state, aimed at developing equal relations and between Ukrainians and minorities, search of interethnic harmony. The necessity of legal protection of interests of ethnic groups, support of cultural and educational measures for preservation of identity of all citizens is proved. It is analyzed the national minorities’ participation in the rebuilding of Ukrainian statehood at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, the formation of the ethnopolitics principles of modern state, using historical experience of the period of the Ukrainian Revolution. The necessity of correction of the state ethnopolitics in the conditions of armed confrontation with the Russian Federation is emphasized, the problem issues, which concern both Ukrainians and representatives of national minorities, are defined. The key to European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the country is in need for improving the legal protection of the interests of ethnic groups, support cultural and educational measures to preserve the identity of all citizens. Practical steps to ensure the ethno-national rights of Ukrainian citizens in modern conditions, protection of Ukrainian unity and the development of civil society are offered.


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Abstract views: 434



How to Cite

Kalakura, O. (2018). LESSONS OF THE CENTRAL COUNICUL FOR ETHNOPOLITICAL CONSENSUS IN UKRAINE. Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (6), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2018.1.1928



Dedicated to 100th Anniversary of Proclamation of Independence of UNR