
  • Oleksandr Utkin Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Research Fellow of the National Scientifi c Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine




Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, professorial teaching staff, student community, educational process, research and publishing activities


In the article on the basis of factual material, archival documents it is analysed the history of foundation and work of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (here in after referred to as the UHA) in Czechoslovakia (1922–1935) as a polytechnic-type higher education institution, functioning on the traditions of Ukrainian free science, culture and patriotism. The importance of the topic is due to the inadequate study of the history of the Ukrainian emigration in the Western countries, the activities of its scientific, educational, cultural and other institutions, their role in preserving Ukrainian, national and cultural values, which became the basis for the further development of science, education and culture for Ukrainians abroad. The subject of our research is the Higher Agricultural School of the Ukrainian emigration in Czechoslovakia. The methodological base of research are historical and comparative, typological, genetic, systematic methods used for a comprehensive study. The Academy has made a significant contribution to the intellectual development of person, national and cultural values of the united Ukraine. Achievements of the Academy in the personnel training, research and publishing industry reflect the ideas of Ukrainian scholars at knowledge as a factor of socio-economic growth of the welfare of the people and deepening the influence on the establishment of national consciousness, the struggle of Ukrainians for independence. Scientists of the Academy collaborated with international organizations, participated in the work of international scientific forums, were recognized by the world scientific community, which indicates the maturity of an emigrant private high school. For the history of Ukraine it is very important the comprehensive analysis of the functioning of Ukrainian educational and scientific structures, such as the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy in the Podebrady (Czechoslovakia), which during 1922–1935, actively trained highly educated personnel in agro-forestry, economically-cooperative and engineering faculties. It students wanted to learn successfully accumulated human knowledge of their specialties, distribute them, and if necessary to work in Ukraine combining science and production, to raise the economy of the republic to the level of advanced Western countries.


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Abstract views: 177



How to Cite

Utkin, O. (2018). HIGHER AGRARIAN SCHOOL OF UKRAINIAN EMIGRATION (1922–1935). Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (6), 94–102. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2018.1.94102



History of Ukraine