
  • Olha Kryhina PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies and Information Activities, Faculty of History, Mariupol State University, Mariupol



parish registers, church acts, informational potential, archives, storage, digitization, usage


Under the conditions of the formation of the civil society, the social significance of archival institutions is increasing. The archives perform a number of important functions to store the documentary memory of the state and society. The development of modern historical science is characterized by the study of the mass sources. The parish registers play an important role as a type of the mass sources. The identification and usage of the informational potential of the parish registers and the storage of this historical source is becoming extremely urgent today. Moreover, there is an urgent need to systematize the parish registers that are stored in the local state archives, to protect metrics from damage and loss as well as to guarantee the proper storage for both modern researchers and descendants can use them.The archivists work actively to improve the scientific reference system for the parish registers, to establish catalogues and to publish information on the official sites of the institutions. An important trend in ensuring the storage of the archival documents is the digitization. The digital archives and parish registers are available on the official websites of the archival institutions. The archival institutions of Ukraine within the framework of international activities carry out activities in the usage of the information presented in the parish registers. The archival institutions actively collaborate with the genealogical societies and organizations. The parish registers, as a source with enormous informative potential, are of a high interest to the researchers. It should be noted about the necessity of the further usage of the parish registers and the proper storage of these historical sources.


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How to Cite

Kryhina, O. (2019). THE USAGE AND STORAGE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE PARISH REGISTERS. Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (8), 110–115.



Source studies