



historian, role of the historian, mission of the historian, functions of the historian, Ukrainian historiography


The works of Ukrainian historians of 1990s — early 21 century are analysed in the article. The status of historian in the modern society is clarified by the author. Historian’s new functions are pointed out in the research, the challenges that scientists in Ukraine have to overcome are highlighted. At the same time, it is noted how the public opinion of the Ukrainian scientists is correlated with worldviews on the historian’s role and mission. It is concluded that historian would become successful if dared to make a conclusion that would be seemed out of date. No matter how ingenious the historian is and no matter what reliable sources are used, the subjective component will always be present in the research. Only the decency of a historian may guarantee the reliability of research.It is encouraging that the situation with the definition of the role and mission of the historian in society, modern Ukrainian historiography is correlated with the trends of the leading world scientific schools. We should admit, that historian profession is not prestigious in Ukraine. The financial support for scientists is below average. There is an opportunity to take advantage of foreign grants, scholarships that could improve the situation, however, it does not solve the poblem of the Ukrainian science. Government should understand that the state without a strong science is striving for its death.


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How to Cite

Sagan, G. (2019). HISTORICAL CURRENT OPINION ON THE ROLE OF HISTORIAN IN SOCIETY: UKRAINIAN DISCOURSE. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (9), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2019.2.5



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