
  • Olena Humeniuk PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv



Plast, emigration, youth, Ukrainian, Europe, Czechoslovak Republic


Reasons of foundation and the main kinds of activity of Ukrainian scout organizations abroad and the Union of Ukrainian Plast-Emigrants are described in the article. The author points out the importance of presentation Ukrainian nation by the Union of Ukrainian Plast-Emigrants in the international sphere. Also it is briefly touched upon history of the scout movement in the world and explained interconnection between scout and Plast organizational structure and the peculiarities of their educational system. The author finds out, that Plast was national branch of scout movement.Particular attention is paid to the role of sport for the Plast. Physical training was an important element of scouts’ activity. Participating in the international sports competitions of Plast delegations gave an opportunity to inform the foreign community about the Ukrainian affairs. The network of the Ukrainian scout organizations in Europe in 1920–1939 was analysed and found out, that in view of the favorable conditions (economic and political) in the countries of Central-Eastern Europe, the largest and most active Plast centers were concentrated. Especially we should admit Plsat units in the Czechoslovak Republic. In this country numerous Plast organizations were founded and worked. Besides, in 1930 the Union of Ukrainian Plast-Emigrants was created in Prague. During the interwar period the mentioned Union presented Ukrainian youth emigrants.


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Fond 15. Inventory 1. Unit 114. Central State Archive of Foreign Archival Ucrainica, Kyiv, Ukraine.

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Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Sygnatura 793. 758 s. Ukraińska Studencka Gromada w Krakowie 1924–1939.


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How to Cite

Humeniuk, O. . (2019). PLAST OF EMIGRATION AS PART OF UKRAINIAN YOUTH MOVEMENT OF THE INTERWAR EUROPE. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (9), 67–73.



History of the world