students, institute, technical school, club, circleAbstract
In the 20–30s of the 20th century special attention was paid to the formation of the ideological worldview of students of education institutions, future teachers who were to shape the political consciousness of the younger generation with communist ideals. The ideological principles of the party were subordinated to the social activities of youth, in particular, in Kyiv pedagogical educational institutions. The article deals with the work of student clubs and student government bodies, various organizations. Since the mid-20s of the 20th century trade union organizations took over the functions of youth advocates, which were largely influenced by university administrations and controlled the social composition of students, who presented themselves as an exclusively peasant workers. Some of the students were embraced by work in the cells of voluntary societies, the government used to propagate their ideas of socialist construction and the ideological education of the masses. The most active were the cells of Tsoaviakhim, which oversaw the work of the rifle circles. Close to them were sports clubs. Universities also operated cells of MOPR, the Friends of the Children societies, the All-Ukrainian Society for Land Organization of Working Jews OZET, and the Friends of Radio. The ideological work among students was intensified by the student press, the production of “live and light newspapers” that covered the processes of building a higher school, the participation of youth organizations in the proletariat of institutes and technical schools, the life and attitude of students, their participation in cultural work etc. Most of the time, students took part in enriching work. In particular, they worked on various campaigns related to raising funds for the state’s economic needs, participating in fundraising to strengthen defense, days of industrialization, etc.
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