
  • Mykhailo Tyukalov Postgraduate student of the Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



The Middle East, “The Eastern Question”, mandate, Mesopotamia, Palestine


The article is devoted to the complex research of Britain’s policy in the Middle East in the (20s) of 20th century. The World War I sharpened the problem of the Middle East geopolitical status. Here it is given a system of diplomatic practice of Great Britain to reveal the eff ects of the imposition of the mandate system on the former Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire. It’s proved by the wide-ranging documental materials that British formed foreign policy course to preserve interests of native oil industry business and to supply imperial interests.


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Tyukalov M. Great Britain and the Adjustment Problems of the Middle East in the Context of the “Eastern Question” (20s years of the twentieth century) / International Relations of Ukraine: scientifi c searches and fi ndings — 23 Ed. : Interagency collected scientifi c papers / Executive Editor S.V. Vidnianskyi. — K. : Institute of History of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine, 2014. — P. 133–146.


Abstract views: 516



How to Cite

Tyukalov, M. (2016). GREAT BRITAIN IN THE MIDDLE EAST (20s OF THE 20th CENTURY). Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (2), 3–10.



History of the world