State of Peasant Land Ownership in Hlukhiv, Konotop and Krolevets Counties of Chernihiv Province (mid 19 — beginning 20 century)
Chernihiv province, Hlukhiv, Konotop, Krolevets counties, peasants, surveying, chartersAbstract
The article analyses the land structure of the peasants of Hlukhiv, Konotop and Krolevets counties of Chernihiv province as a result of the reform of 1861 in the middle of the 19th — early 20th centuries. Certain regional features of the process of land allotment of peasants of different categories are indicated. The common features and peculiarities of the realization of the Little Russian and Great Russian positions, drafting and implementing of charters and land surveying are determined. The counties that used the Little Russian and Great Russian positions are shown (or both at the same time). The sizes of peasant plots and duties for them are shown. The examples illustrate the protection of the interests of landlords by the authorities when endowing peasants of different categories of land. The principles of selection of peace mediators and the level of efficiency of their work, as well as approaches to the creation of peace sites are highlighted. The pace of the surveying process and its consequences for different categories of peasants are analysed.
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