Kyiv Institute for Noble Maidens in the Guidebooks (19th — early 20th centuries)


  • Antonina Kizlova Doctor of History, Associate Professor of the Department of History,Faculty of Sociology and Law, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine



guidebook, Kyiv, educational institution for women, author, reader



The scale of pilgrimage, and later tourism, which gradually grew into a mass, expanded in the 19th — early 20th centuries. Therefore, compiling guidebooks has become popular. Kyiv was a prominent centre of various forms of pilgrimage and tourism in the 19th — early 20th centuries. Therefore, it needs a detailed study from the outlined point of view. The article deals with key features of mention about Kyiv Institute for Noble Maidens in the guidebooks to Kyiv. The work is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The author used comparative historical method, analysis and synthesis. The main feature of the research is the microhistorical approach with the elements of the everyday life history. Thus, the compilers of the guidebooks of different focus and modernization levels included Kyiv Institute for Noble Maidens into the list of attractions. Except A. Ikonnikova, they indicated its location. However, except L. Yartsova, they did not consider it to be a central subject of any part of their story and only occasionally entered into description of surrounding area (this was partially offset by the addition of more or less eloquent illustration). It contained information about history and the daily life of the institution. In comparison to the other authors, M. Sementovsky did all his best to satisfy the interest of readers from appropriate social origin, before visiting Kyiv at the examination period at the Institute.


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How to Cite

Kizlova, A. (2021). Kyiv Institute for Noble Maidens in the Guidebooks (19th — early 20th centuries). Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (12), 124–133.



History of Ukraine