Olena Apanovych in the Circle of Kyiv Scientists: PhD studies


  • Svitlana Savchenko Lecturer of the Department of Historical and Civic Education, Institute of In-Service Training, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD in History, Kyiv, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7123-9014




Olena Apanovych, Central State Historical Archive USSR in Kyiv, Kyiv scientists, Ukrainian Cossacks


Olena Apanovych is an outstanding researcher of Ukrainian Cossacks, who rose as a scientist in academic environment in 1945–1950s. In those times the functioning of state archives were renewed and the scarcity of professionals came up. Being a philologist, future famous historian accidentally became an employee of Central State Historical Archives of the USSR in Kyiv. She did not have a basic historical education and studied in a postgraduate department during 1945–1948 (Specialization “History of Ukraine”) which she successfully graduated. Despite all difficulties, young researcher managed to combine the two activities simultaneously. In 1950 she successfully defended thesis. During studing she gained both theoretical and practical experience.While studing at postgraduate department, she even helped her colleagues and friends. When she was leading the department of “old acts”, she initiated Polish language studying, paleology, basic archiving were arranged for other activities that supported professional growth of archive workers.While being influenced by the Kyiv academic society, including PhD lecturers Fedor Shevchenko, Serhii Maslov, Vycheslav Strelskii, PhD colleagues Ivan Butych and Tetyana Slydikova, and under the direct influence of PhD supervisor Kostia Huslystyi and own initiative to self-growth, Olena Apanovych carried on with her development as personality and a professional and continued to be a part of Kyiv intellectuals environment.


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How to Cite

Savchenko, S. (2021). Olena Apanovych in the Circle of Kyiv Scientists: PhD studies. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (13), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2021.26



Kyiv and Kyivans in the Sociocultural Space of Ukrain