Kyiv and Chernihiv Regional Newspapers as a Source of Strategies of the Authority Related to Involving Pupils as Executors of Holodomor Policy in 1932–1933s


  • Ihor Yakubovskyi Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Architecture and Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, PhD in Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine



Holodomor, regional media, authority, executors of Holodomor, pupils


The article aims to examine the regional media (Kyiv and Chernihiv cases) as a sources of the investigation of authorities’ strategies in 1932–1933s for the role of pupils of the village schools in the context of implementation of the Holodomor policy. The article is a unique research for the reflection of this problem in Kyiv and Chernihiv regional media of the Holodomor period. Also it is a first research attempt to portrait the specific features of the authorities’ strategies regarding pupils involvement in the Holodomor practices. Although the media in USSR have always been under authorities’ pressure and have always served them, the informative potential of the Kyiv and Chernihiv regional newspapers of 1932–1933 enabled to investigate the key problem related to the above-mentioned field of Holodomor. The newspaper’s articles about every day practices are based to examine of the authorities’ plans of involving the pupils into these practices. The number of such articles which were revealed and studied in the media from different regions convincingly argue that authority aspired to turn pupils into executors of Holodomor policy. This process was performed in parallel with the strategies aimed to the global sovietization of the children. The pupils in all parts of Kyiv and Chernihiv regions were used for an agitation of the farmers to carry out of plan that was not real, to provide credits for governments and of searching and expropriation of farmer’s grain. The pupil’s denunciation of people who have grain were tolerated and inspired.


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How to Cite

Yakubovskyi, I. (2021). Kyiv and Chernihiv Regional Newspapers as a Source of Strategies of the Authority Related to Involving Pupils as Executors of Holodomor Policy in 1932–1933s. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (13), 117–123.



History of Ukraine