Little-Known Pages of Ledokhovskhy Family’s Life. Architect Ignatiy Ledokhovskhy: Creativity and Fate




Ignacy-Władysław Ledóchowski, genealogy, Ledokhovsky family, Strilnyki, architect of Kyiv, modernism in Kyiv


Ignacy-Władysław Ledóchowski worked in  Kyiv in  the first quarter of  the twentieth century. He left the citizens of Kyiv unique buildings in the Art Nouveau style, which has become the decoration of the city for the last few centuries. Based on the analysis of newly discovered sources, the article highlights the little-known pages of the history of the Polish szlachta Ledokhovsky family (Szaława coat of arms) and presents biographies of Kyiv architect Ignatiy Ledokhovsky (1867–1932) and his family; brothers Karol (1871–1931) and Stanislaw (1874–1940). The scientific novelty of this article is highlighted by revealing new information relating to the biography of the architect Ledokhovsky and his family. It was discovered that the future architect Ignacy-Władysław Ledóchowski was born in the village of Strilnyki (pol. Strzelniki), Vinnytsia region, in 13 in old style (25 new style) May 1867, and died on the night of March 2 to 3 1932, in Warsaw, where he was buried. His parents were Kazimir, son of Vladyslav and Jozefa nee Danielevich, Ledokhovsky. The article traces the  biographies of  his two younger brothers Karol and Stanislav, clarifies the  history of the estates of this branch of the Ledokhovsky family in Podillya, in the Right-bank Ukraine. This research on the life and work of the architect Ledokhovski will reveal unknown until now details of his biography, increased materials on his life and work in  Ukraine and Poland, as well as some practically unknown members of the Ledokhovsky family.


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How to Cite

Lobko, O. (2022). Little-Known Pages of Ledokhovskhy Family’s Life. Architect Ignatiy Ledokhovskhy: Creativity and Fate. Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (14), 96–106.



History of Ukraine