The Сhildhood Сare and Еducation in the late 19th – early 20th Сenturies as an Integral Part of the Ukrainian Institute of Motherhood


  • Inna Korolova Graduate student of the Department of Humanities, Culture and Arts Faculty of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi Kremenchuk University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine



family, child, traditions, upbringing, motherhood, society, education


Child’s personality development is still being a significant component of Ukrainian society. We should pay attention to the emotional, physical and intellectual development of children, which is vital for their future. In order to achieve an objectivity, this research is focused on the analyzing of ‘family phenomenon’, including religious, moral categories and historical facts. The purpose of the research is to investigate the impact of upbringing and education of children on the quality of family life in the future. To achieve the above-mentioned purpose, the following scientific methods were applied: historical, descriptive, distributional, the method of comparative analysis, and the method of typological analysis. The application of these scientific methods made it possible to demonstrate the weakness of parental upbringing, neglecting the emotional state of children, and the low level of education of the population. The scientific novelty of the research results consists in an effort to reñonsider the definition of parenting role from different angles, focusing not only on the positive aspects, but also exploring the negative ones. The study makes it possible to ascertain the inadequacy of family life and educational potential of Ukrainians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In order to objectively reproduce historical reality, it is necessary to further scrutinize educational aspect so as to avoid idealization of Christian-moral moments and not to fall victim to traditional stereotypes.


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How to Cite

Korolova, I. (2023). The Сhildhood Сare and Еducation in the late 19th – early 20th Сenturies as an Integral Part of the Ukrainian Institute of Motherhood. Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (16), 157–164.



Socio-cultural research