V. M. Peretz, epistolary, All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, historical and cultural heritage, collectionsAbstract
In the article based on the analysis of the epistolary of the eminent literature historian, linguist, art critic, academician of the St. Petersburg as well as All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences V. M. Peretz, the scientist’s activity in preserving Ukrainian historical and cultural heritage is presented. The source of the study has become the correspondence, which is preserved in the collections of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, between V. M. Peretz and literary critic, academician and vice-president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences S. O. Yefremov, and the historian, orientalist, academician and constant secretary of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences A. Ye. Krymskyi. Here is also revealed the role of academician V. M. Peretz, who was one of the founders and chairman of the Society of Researchers of Ukrainian History, Literature and Language in Leningrad, in the return of the Ukrainian national relics from Russia to Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the V. M. Peretz’s activity in organizing the transportation from Leningrad to Kiev of the unique collection of the well-known collector, art critic, and active member of the Society of Researchers of Ukrainian History, Literature and Language in Leningrad V. O. Shchavynskyi. The article also covers V. M. Peretz’s activities on preservation and promotion of the scientific heritage by Professor V. O. Shchavynskyi, who was the author of scientific articles about the techniques of Taras Shevchenko’s ancient Russian painting and graphic works. The publication shows the way V. M. Peretz participated in organizing the negotiations between the General of artillery, military historian, art critic, active member of the Society of Researchers of Ukrainian History, Literature and Language in Leningrad, P. P. Pototskyi, and the chairman of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the Board of Scientific Institutions of the National Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian RSR concerning the decision on the contract about the donation of the P. Pototskyi’s collection to Ukraine. The article emphasizes V. M. Peretz’s wish to create a positive image of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences as the national center, which brings together researchers in Ukrainian history and collectors of national relics. Here is highlighted V. M. Peretz’s activity in compiling the collection of the ancient books and manuscripts, most of which were of the Ukrainian origin, that proves special scientist’s interest to Ukraine, its history and culture. Special attention is paid to the fact that V. M. Peretz sought out and purchased Ukrainian historical and literary manuscripts he required for his research aiming to further transmit them to scientific and cultural institutions of Ukraine. The article concludes that V. M. Peretz’s painstaking work associated with searching and writing up the Ukrainian ancient books and manuscripts is a significant contribution of the scientist in the development of Ukrainian culture and science.
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