Kyiv higher educational institutions, URSR and Ukrainian RSR Council of Ministers’ decisions and resolutions, housing problem, dormitories, canteens, clinicsAbstract
The article deals with the social aspects of Kyiv students’ daily life in the period of the 60-70s of the 20th century. It is determined that a typical trend of state policy in the field of education was the search for optimization of school management. In the framework of the implemented measure aimed at realization of the set tasks, the number of universities was significantly reduced, while the number of students was increasing. The last exacerbated the problem, which had not been solved until the end of the 1950s, in particular lack of classroom funds and educational and laboratory facilities. It is emphasized that at the beginning of the 1960s none of the universities of the Ukrainian RSR had educational premises, which would correspond to a certain norm, and this led to the two- and three-shift educational schedule. At the same time there was an urgent need to provide housing primarily to the non-resident students. It is noted that to solve the housing problem, a part of Kyiv universities funding was redirected to reimbursement of students’ expenses on rental of accommodation from private individuals. It is pointed out that among the actions and additional opportunities identified by the Government of the UkRSR to solve the social problems of students and pupils of secondary special educational institutions, it was to encourage the expansion of self-service and the use of the numerous educational institutions hostels as hotels during the holidays. The legislative and regulatory framework of improving the higher educational institutions’ social infrastructure is analyzed. The features of Kyiv universities development in 1960-1970s are highlighted; considerable attention is paid to the questions of the social infrastructure components development: provision with education fund, improvement of housing and communal environment, food and health care of students. It is emphasized that the solving of the housing problem in the universities was prevented by unauthorized residing in the dorms, and this problem was most acute in Kyiv. Based on statistical data and archival documents analysis it is concluded that despite significant improvements in social infrastructure of the Kyiv universities in the early 1970s, the material and technical supply failed significantly to fulfill the existing needs. Although the capital construction was gradually developing, its rates were low, they failed to meet the growing demands, and this in its turn affected the development and activity of the educational institutions in all areas.
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