
  • Veronica Kupriyenko Master's student of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



village, land ownership, government, Ivankiv, Kyiv province


The article is devoted to the establishment and ownership of Ivankiv village of Kyiv province by the representatives of noble status of the end of the 16th century till the middle of the 17th century. The attention is mostly paid to the social status of its owners — Proskur-Suschanskyh, Strybyl, Lozok and Volchkevych. The article states that the evolution of land ownership, as the basis for individual recognition of noble status in Kyiv region, was performed step by step towards the gradual transformation of service to possession in exchange for military service and other services. However, Ivankiv people, who had a fortune by creating new settlements, confi rmed its infl uence in territories that belonged to their families. The author shows an analogy between individuals in Proskura family, and later — in Proskura-Suschanski family, namely Tyshko Semenovych and Prince Mykhailo Tymofi iovych and his eldership in Ovruch. The method of analogies and statistical method were used to compare annual profi ts from one town and surrounding settlements. Although ownership of the Ivankov village was private and eldership was in state ownership, there can be carried out certain parallels, considering the presence of private breweries in both towns, timber industry, wood production. This way shows the eff ect of factor of areas expansion by establishing forms of construction of the town and create there own administration. The article proves that the increase of number of villages in Kyiv province after the approval of Valenod Diet by Commonwealth in 1590 were in accordance with governance. The owners of villages came from the city government administrations or were representatives of noble status. The family members of Proskura-Suschanskyi, Strybyliv, Volchkevych and Lozok were such representatives in Ivankiv village.


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How to Cite

Kupriyenko, V. (2016). THE IVANKIV VILLAGE DURING THE COMMONWEALTH (1589–1648). Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (3), 111–116.



History of Ukraine