
  • Tatiana Zotova Master's student of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



Kamianets Podilskyi, Armenian community, guild organization


The article contains the basic stages of formation and functioning of the Armenian community in Kamianets Podilskyi. Much attention is focused on the ethnic composition of the population of the city as it has status on the basis of government. The author explores the issue of the Armenian community population, the number of buildings which belong to Armenians, reflection of the community in the office work of the city. The questions of the state of justice in the Armenian community in Kamianets Podilskyi is outlined. The number of documents have been analyzed, the range of issues have been discussed. The features of trade and craft activities of the Armenian community in the 16th — 17th centuries have been determined. The author notes the specifics of the Armenian community in Kamianets Podilskyi in the form of transit trade between East and West, which was carried out by means of caravans. The article highlights the mobility of Armenian merchants who travelled to Kafa, Suceava Tokat, attended fairs in Lviv, Lutsk. However, the article notes that the majority of local Armenians were taken care not by trade, but craft work or by combination of these activities. Thanks to knowledge in Crimean-Tatar and Turkish languages and the awareness in Turkish and Tatar cases, Armenians were often involved in the diplomatic services as translators, counselors, mediators, developer or as diplomats. Thus, the author argues that the Armenian community exerted a significant impact on social, economic and cultural processes in Kamianets Podilskyi. Despite its “freedom” and autonomy there have been obvious limitations in trade and craft work. Together with this, the Armenians were one of the richest people in Kamianets Podilskyi. Their “mobility”, language and traditions of the eastern territories positively resulted in trade with the East, which was often out of reach for merchants from other urban communities.


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How to Cite

Zotova, T. (2016). ARMENIAN COMMUNITY IN KAMIANETS-PODILSKYI IN 16TH — 17TH CENTURIES. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (3), 117–124.



History of Ukraine