
  • Olena Dzhahunova Lecturer at the Department of History of Ukraine, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University



education, higher education institution, Institute of Social Education, Teachers Institute, Pedagogical Institute


The article highlights the key milestones of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Padagogical University since its establishment and activity in the postwar period. It is also found out that social education at Uman Institute started in August 1930, when the Central Executive Committee and SNK decree of August 11, 1930 ordered the governments of the union republics quickly deploy a network of educational institutions and colleges and other forms of training teachers. According to the author, in the USSR in August 1930 it was opened 39 educational institutions, and among them it was Uman Institute, which provided training for teachers of secondary schools. In 1933 the Institute of Social Education was reorganized into Pedagogical Institute with a 4-year term of study. In 1935 due to the urgent need for teachers and teachers institutes the training period was reduced to 2 years. By the time it held a number of transformations (Teachers Institute, Pedagogical Institute), survived the war and resumed its work until now, having prepared thousands of specialists.


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Abstract views: 249



How to Cite

Dzhahunova, O. (2016). UMAN STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY — BEGINNING OF HISTORY. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (3), 141–146.



History of Ukraine