
  • Olga Liakh Master's student of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



Medici, patronage of Arts, Platonic Academy, collecting, culture of Florence


The main attention in the article is given to the characteristics of the patronage of Arts by Lorenzo and Cosimo de ‘Mediciand outlining the importance of this activity for the cultural development of Florence. The research studies the experience of Art sponsorship and patronage of young artists by Medici. It is examined the contribution of the family members in the incipience of the culture of the Renaissance in Florence. It is identified the following main aspects of the patronage of Arts by the Medici family: construction of the monumental and sacred buildings, establishment of private collections of art and literary works, patronage of the Florentine humanists who were the members of the Platonic Academy and young artists. The article describes the creation of public and private libraries, sponsorship and assistance in translating books from Greek into Latin by Cosimo and Lorenzo de Medici. It is indicated buildings constructed by Medici in Florence and outside it. It is studied patronage activities of the next generations of Medici and proved that art patronage from Cosimo and Lorenzo de ‘Medici really played an important role in transforming Florence into one of the centers of the Italian Renaissance.


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How to Cite

Liakh, O. (2016). MEDICI’S PATRONAGE OF ARTS IN FLORENCE. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (3), 153–160.



Socio-cultural research