Russian Empire, Russian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian lands, Black-Hundred organizations, "Union of the Russian People", "Two-Headed Eagle", monarchical ideology, chauvinism, pogromsAbstract
The article is devoted to the activity of the monarchical Black-Hundred organizations in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century. The article is, in particular, about the “Union of the Russian People”, “Two-Headed Eagle” and other reactionary formations that acted under the leadership of not only chauvinistic political parties, but also under the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). It is proved that the Orthodox clergy fulfilled social state orders, aimed at national unification, undermining the revolutionary movement and preserving the monarchical regime in the country. It was found out, in particular, that the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church, ranked bishops and metropolitans, were members of monarchical organizations as honorary members, encouraged the enrollment of sacred and clerics and monks to them, were tempted by the process of conversion of temples and monasteries into the cells of these reactionary structures. The higher hierarchs also used the powerful opportunities of the church press to propagate chauvinistic ideology. There has been proved participation of the Black-Hundred organizations in mass pogroms against the national minorities. Historical facts, mentioned in the article, test the deep ideological crisis of the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 20th century and the total loss of public authority.
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