
  • Andrii Shapoval PhD in History, Senior Research, V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv



I. Ya. Franko, V. M. Peretts, scientific cooperation, epistolary heritage, philology


Important source of a research of scientific activity and cooperation between outstanding Ukrainian scientists and organizers of national scientific life at the beginning of the 20th century, I. Ya. Franko and V. M. Peretts is their correspondence. The epistolary heritage of scientists is stored in the archives of Ukraine and Russia. I. Ya. Franko and V. M. Peretts’s correspondence which is stored in Department of manuscripts and textual studies of Shevchenko Institute of literature of the NAS of Ukraine and in the Russian state archive of literature and art became a source of article. The article studies, in addition to correspondence between scientists, V. M. Peretts’ letters to P. H. Zhytetskiy and M. S. Hrushevskyi, which refers to the scientific relationship between I. Ya. Franko and V. M. Peretts. Long-term scientific cooperation and the creative relations between the ingenious Ukrainian writer, the literary critic and the specialist in drama study I. Ya. Franko and the Ukrainian and Russian philologist, the researcher of ancient Ukrainian literature V. M. Peretts are covered in article on the basis of the analysis of epistolary documents. Their activities in research on manuscripts and studies on history of the Ukrainian literature and theatre are represented in the article. The mutual respect and appreciation of scientific achievements of each other are the cornerstone of broad scientific cooperation of scientists. The article pays attention to an active position of V. M. Peretts concerning establishment departments on study Ukrainian history, literature, language, ethnography and the right at the universities of Ukraine. The scientist’s initiative of establishment the department of Ukrainian and dialectology at the St. Volodymyr University in Kyiv is displayed. The head of the department V. M. Peretts found out that I. Ya. Franko’s activity in Kyiv could contribute to the development of the Ukrainian science and education.


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Abstract views: 242



How to Cite

Shapoval, A. (2018). SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN I. YA. FRANKO AND V. M. PERETTS (BASED ON EPISTOLARY SOURCES). Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (7), 111–117.



Source studies