Mykhailo Bernov as a Pioneer of Hiking Tourism: Travel through Spain and Algeria (Part I. Spain. November 1893 — February 1894)
Mykhailo Bernov, Spain, Algeria, Sahara, hiking, travel notesAbstract
This article considers the formation of hiking in the Russian Empire and Europe in the late 19th century. Its socio-cultural context is also defined. Particular attention is paid to the person of Mykhailo Bernov as one of the founders of hiking in the Russian Empire and Europe and his multifaceted activities in the development of communication between peoples, social actualization of knowledge about the world. Biography, information about popularization activity and publishing activity of Mykhailo Bernov are also given.In the first part of this study, the route of Mykhailo Bernov’s journey from France to Spain, and then through Spain, Algeria and the Sahara in 1892–1893, was reconstructed on the basis of his “travel notes” “Spain, Algeria and the Sahara” (St. Petersburg, 1899) and periodical data.Mykhailo Bernov left detailed descriptions of nature, countryside and major cities of Spain, monuments of history, culture and art, accompanied by historical excursions, interpretation of their own names. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of Spanish opera and theatrical life.It is concluded that sincere interest and respect for local traditions, thorough general training allowed Mykhailo Bernov to create in his notes a broad and colourful canvas of life of the country and people of Spain in the late 19th century, to capture the features of national culture and character. Bernov’s “travel notes” are based on direct communication with the Spanish common people, representatives of the elite and the administration, acquaintance with folk culture, examples of high art and literature. In his notes he makes comparisons of Spanish people with other nations. Bernov tried to understand Spain and its people, sought common socio-cultural features and values, and explained the features of “otherness” by nature, religion, state foundations, the course of history, and so on.Mykhailo Bernov’s notes on his travels in Spain as a source, in our opinion, contain a lot of useful and interesting information for researchers on the history of hiking, monuments, archaeology, ethnography, etc.
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