Mykhailo Bernov as a Pioneer of Hiking Tourism: Travels through the South of Ukraine and the Crimea (Part IІ. Crimea. Summer, 1895)
Mykhailo Bernov, Southern Ukraine, Crimea, hiking tourism, travel notesAbstract
This article examines the activities of Mykhailo Bernov as one of the founders of hiking tourism in the Russian Empire and Europe, his journey through the Crimea in the summer of 1895, the public updating of knowledge about the region and publishing activity based on his travel notes “From Odessa on foot to Crimea. Letters of a Russian Pedestrian” (St. Petersburg, 1896) and other sources.
Attention is focused on the author’s imperial style of thinking and his understanding of the civilizational role of the Russian Empire in the region, interest in the achievements of the emperors, their military and administrative figures.
It is concluded that the wide erudition and experience of previous travels allowed Mykhailo Bernov to create a unique image of the newly annexed province of the Russian Empire — a wide and colorful canvas of the life of the polyethnic population of Crimea at the end of the 19th century. The author recorded the peculiarities of the national, religious culture and character of various ethnic and social groups, the current state of the monuments of nature, history and culture. The source research potential and features of the traveler-pedestrian’s notes for studying the everyday activity of the population in the region, meetings with interesting people are emphasized.
The trip to the Crimea contributed to the expansion of Mykhailo Bernov’s horizons, his study of the history of the East, the Arabic language and the study of the Koran. The traveler often compares the nature of the Crimean Peninsula with the landscapes of various parts of Europe and North Africa, but also recognizes its uniqueness.
The author’s image of Crimea is an economically promising region, but burdened by historical contradictions and natural-geographic limitations. He considered the lack of water and poorly developed infrastructure to be the main disadvantages of the peninsula. However, in general, he assessed the peninsula as very attractive for various types of tourism (educational, cultural, gastronomic, health, sports), including due to the natural and climatic combination of the sea and mountains in the conditions of a subtropical climate and the friendliness of the local population.
Mykhailo Bernov demonstrated his life strategy of a talented, goal-oriented individual, open to new knowledge and impressions, who was able to realize his dreams.
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