Ukrainian Cloth Weaving in the Grip of the Imperial Policy of Muscovy (18th century)


  • Oleksandr Gurzhii Chief Researcher of the Department of History of Ukraine of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, Institute of History of Ukraine, NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of History, Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine



cloth weaving, manufacture, Ukraine, Muscovy, imperial government


The article examines the formation and development of cloth manufacturing in Ukraine in the 18th century. The effects of the policies of the Muscovy governments on economic processes in the Hetmanate are emphasized. Intelligence methodology is based on the principles of historicism and scientificity, systematic critical analysis, a comprehensive approach, and the pursuit of objectivity. For the first time in historiography, the question of the feasibility of introducing conceptual measures and "reforms" in the textile industry of Ukraine by the imperial government of Muscovy was raised. It is concluded that the establishment and operation of the largest specialized enterprises on the territory of the Slobozhanshchyna and the Hetmanshchyna should be considered mostly Russian government projects, which in the end did not give the long-awaited results aimed at the import substitution of imported cloth with its own products.


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How to Cite

Gurzhii, O. (2023). Ukrainian Cloth Weaving in the Grip of the Imperial Policy of Muscovy (18th century). Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (16), 55–63.



History of Ukraine