Mission of the Roman Catholic Order of the Holy Trinity: Content, events of history, modernization (the end of 12th — the beginning of 21st century)


  • Ruslana Sheretiuk Professor at the Department of Fine and Decorative Arts, Rivne State Humanities University, Doctor of History, Professor, Rivne, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6278-0132
  • Nadiia Stokolos Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Theology and History of the Church, Ukrainian Humanities Institute, Doctor of History, Professor, Bucha, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6278-0132




freedom, Roman Catholic Church, Order of the Most Holy Trinity, trinitarians, redemption from captivity, charisma


Freedom as a universal category of human existence is the fundamental principle of becoming and modern development of European civilized matrix, and also one of the markers of Ukrainian mentality and identity. Its interpretations are closely related, in particular, to Christianity, because freedom is decoded as a gift from God, in return, lack of freedom is unconditional evil and spiritual slavery. In the history of the Roman Catholic Church one of the examples of struggle for human freedom, in particular, its liberation from captivity, is the activity of the order of Holy Trinity (Trinitarians). In 2023, 830 years have passed since the foundation of the order, and 825 years passed from its acquisition of the official status of the monastic community. Exactly the importance of character of the activity of this Roman Catholic order and a number of jubilee dates, related to it, determine the actuality of the chosen topic. The purpose of the article is to clarify the uniqueness of the spiritual calling and modern transformation of the direction of activity of the Roman Catholic order of Holy Trinity (Trinitarians) during the end of the 12th — beginning of the 21st century. The article is an attempt analytical generalization of factual and source material from history, direction and effectiveness of activity of the Roman Catholic order of the Trinitarians. The article outlines the circumstances and factors of the establishment of the Roman Catholic Order of Holy Trinity (Trinitarians), and also leading links of its missionary activity — redemption of Christians from captivity, medical assistance, charity. It was investigated, that the public demand for the service of monks- trinitarians on that time caused a dynamic spread, and finally the establishment of their community in “the whole Christian world”, in particular in Europe, in Asia, in Africa and in America. There is a number of factors, that led to the crisis in its environment and corresponding transformations of the organizational structure. It is analyzed the current situation of Trinitarians in particular the staff, number, as well as the geography of the chains of its cells. It is traced the process of revise by the members of the order an established view of the main purpose of the activity. Nowadays it is spiritual “redemption” of captives of various forms of modern enslavement and addiction. It is emphasized, that in view of modern global crises, and accordingly, permanent threats to human safety, the activity of the order of the Trinitarians continues to be relevant.


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Abstract views: 43



How to Cite

Sheretiuk, R., & Stokolos, N. (2024). Mission of the Roman Catholic Order of the Holy Trinity: Content, events of history, modernization (the end of 12th — the beginning of 21st century). Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (18), 120–127. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2024.113



Socio-Cultural Studies