Peculiarities of the Structural and Functional Organization of Theological Seminaries in Soviet Times (The case of Kyiv Theological Seminary)
theological seminaries, transformation of theological education, religious education in the USSR, church-state relations, Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kyiv Theological SeminaryAbstract
The purpose of the article is to identify the transformations that theological seminaries underwent in the Soviet era in their structural and functional organization. These changes are followed through the determination of the system of subordination of the seminary to the church and state authorities, consideration of the internal structure of the institution, and the outline of the functions of its governing bodies. The study is based on a comparison of the statutory documents of pre-revolutionary and Soviet times. Some institutional aspects are illustrated by the example of the Kyiv Theological Seminary, which functioned in 1947–1960. The study found that in their subordination to church authorities, seminaries in the USSR followed the model established in the Russian Empire. In their structure and functions of governing bodies and pedagogical personnel, they also reproduced pre-revolutionary models and were guided by well-tested mechanisms. Only those pre-revolutionary norms that were not consistent with the new reality underwent certain modifications. In particular, the positions of seminary confessor and honorary supervisor of the economic part were abolished, the ban on part-time work for seminary employees was lifted, and all teachers were allowed to participate in the Pedagogical Assembly. At the same time, an important factor in the functioning of seminaries in the Soviet era was the existence of the Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church and its local authorized representatives. Formally, church educational institutions were not subordinated to state bodies, since the Church was separated from the state, but in practice, the Soviet authorities exercised significant influence on the course of processes within the seminary and its communication with the outside world, using informal mechanisms.
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