
  • Ihor Sribniak Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of World History, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University




Interned, camp, elder, Sthalkovo, amnesty, repatriation, Ukrainians


The article analyzes the moral condition and conditions of stay of the interned Ukrainian soldiers in Stshalkovo (Poland) camp in 1922–1923. Based on the use of a wide range of archival sources, the author concluded that, that the everyday life of the interned in camps soldiers war was marked by considerable diffi culties. Absence of any material resources, not always suffi cient and high-quality food, lack of fuel for the heating of the huts, led to the fact, that a part of the Ukrainian soldiers were depressed. To prevent the demoralization of Ukrainian warfare, the command of the group tried to intensify the cultural and educational work in the camp, but this did not always lead to positive results. Some of the interned did not withstand the burden of a hideous and burdensome camp expulsion, and left the camp in search of better living conditions. The most dangerous for the Interned was the scheduled activity of the Bolshevik agents, prompted the announcement of amnesty to participants of anti-Soviet formations and the appearance of Soviet diplomats in camps. The command of the interned Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic tried in various ways to minimize the consequences of the demoralization of the part of the soldiers; however, some of the interned people were still tempted by the promises of the Bolsheviks and returned to Soviet Ukraine. For those who stayed in the camp, production workshops were created, which continued their activities after the abolition of the camp (in them a rather large group of ex-interned continued to work in a civilian position).


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Abstract views: 296



How to Cite

Sribniak, I. (2018). “WE CARRY A CROSS… IN WREATH OF SPINY WIRES…” (INTERNED UKRAINIAN SOLDIERS IN STSHALKOVO CAMP, POLAND IN 1922–1923). Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (6), 33–43. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-0757.2018.1.3343



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