Visions of Ukraine in the Travel Records of the Baron August von Hackstagusen


  • Oleh Ivanyuk Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine Faculty of social and humanitarian sciences Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD in History, Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Daria Romanenko Student of Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine



trip, A. von Haxthausen, Dnieper Ukraine, urban space, ethnic composition, travel records


The article investigates the purpose and process of a trip, which was conducted by Baron August von Haxthausen into the interior of the Russian Empire during 1843-1844. The scientific heritage of A. von Haxthausen was examined by various researchers, but most of them studied his works exclusively in the context of agricultural and socio-economic issues of Russia and Germany. However, the trip of A. von Haxthausen itself and his observations concerning ethnographic and religious peculiarities, social and cultural aspects of life of the local population were practically never explored before. The research was conducted based on two volumes of A. von Haxthausen's work «The Russian Empire, its People, Institutions, and Resources», with the primary focus being on his travelling through Ukrainian ethnic territories. In the course of the investigation, it was established that the purpose of Baron's trip was to explore the agricultural system of the Russian Empire, as well as receive further insight into different aspects of daily life, culture, and traditions of the local population. In addition, A. von Haxthausen demonstrated a great interest in various monuments, such as religious constructions, palaces, and educational institutions. His choice of the monuments was significantly influenced by what was popular among other travellers to visit in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. Due to Baron's communication with people of different social classes certain changes in his attitude towards the imperial realities were induced, making it more objective and comprehensive. A. von Haxthausen was substantially interested in the living conditions of foreign colonists, particularly of Mennonites – his compatriots. While travelling, Baron clearly identified the ethnicity of each people of the Russian Empire. His ethnic classification was predominantly based on the language, physical features, and traditions of the population. All the data, which was collected by A. von Haxthausen in the course of the trip, including his observations and impressions, was later transformed into a three-volume work «The Russian Empire, its People, Institutions, and Resources», further laying the foundation of changes in the imperial society.


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Abstract views: 217



How to Cite

Ivanyuk, O., & Romanenko, D. (2022). Visions of Ukraine in the Travel Records of the Baron August von Hackstagusen. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (15), 54–65.



History of Ukraine