Kyiv plots of Volodymyr Lyubimenko’s letters to Oleksandr Fomin


  • Andrii Shapoval Head of the Department of Archaeography Institute of Archival Studies V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, Doctor of History, Senior Research Associate, Kyiv, Ukraine



V. Lyubimenko, O. Fomin, letters, botany, Kyiv, All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences


The article analyzes the plot lines of the letters of the outstanding botanist, specialist in the field of plant physiology V. Lyubimenko to the director of the Botanical Garden of Kyiv University and the Institute of Botany of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences O. Fomin. Epistolary documents make it possible to reveal the role and significance of Kyiv, as a scientific and educational center, in the scientific, scientific-organizational and pedagogical activities of V. Lyubimenko. The letters refer to the organization V. Lyubimenko of research on plant physiology at scientific institutions in Kyiv, in particular the Institute of Botany of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The letters reveal V. Lyubimenko’s efforts to create and organize the activities of a plant physiology laboratory in Kyiv and the scientist's desire to move to the city on the Dnieper to establish research in the field of phytophysiology. Epistolary documents show that the establishment of a laboratory of plant physiology in Kyiv at the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was V. Lyubimenko’s dream. It is shown that the laboratory of plant physiology in Kyiv was created thanks to the energy and perseverance of V. Lyubimenko and the scientific genius, organizational skills and pedagogical talent of the scientist. And thanks to the efforts of V. Lyubimenko, Kyiv received a leading scientific botanical center, in which the ideas of the outstanding scientist were embodied and the traditions of his physiological school were developed for decades. The letters also reveal professional and friendly relations between V. Lyubimenko and O. Fomin. Epistolary documents are stored in the personal archival fund of Academician V. Lyubimenko at the Institute of Archival Studies of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.


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How to Cite

Shapoval, A. (2022). Kyiv plots of Volodymyr Lyubimenko’s letters to Oleksandr Fomin. Kyiv Historical Studies, (2 (15), 140–148.