
  • Ihor Sribnyak Head of the Department of World History, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Doctor of Historical Sciences



Josefov, internment camp, “Self-reliance”, Czechoslovakia


The Ukrainian military camp in Josefov was created in April in 1921 for the reception of internee warriors of UGA, who were in other places of their accumulation. The terms of camp existence of internee warriors substantially diff ered depending on a season, at what especially in a tight situation they found oneself in winter. With the aim of grant of material help to the most vulnerable categories of internee, fi rst of all to the women and children, at the beginning of April in 1921 a camp society “Self-reliance” was established. “Self-reliance” is forced to work in extremely diffi cult conditions, which was due to shortage of funds that are transferred to it from individual benefactors and institutions, NGOs and team camp on the one hand, and a signifi cant number interned who would receive additional funds in the fi rst place, for treatment. Necessity to protect interests of women, that together with children most suff ered from the diffi cult terms of life, stipulated founding camp societies Josefov and Women “Self-reliance” in March in 1922. In particular, during this time it was received donations from the Ukrainian Red Cross Winnipeg (cargo clothing), the liquidation committee “Ukrainian Relief Committee”, the fi rst neighborhood “Sich organization” Ukrainian Association of Organizations in America (in Philadelphia), with a signifi cant portion funds from Ukrainian organizations in Canada and the US came to “Self-reliance”. This establishment forced to work in extraordinarily diffi cult terms that limited nature of monetary resources that was passed to it from separate benefactors and establishments, public organizations and the command of camp, in particular. Almost every interned, including women and children, took part in the collection of funds to help the starving village in Eastern Galicia, despite the fact that the Bolshevik agents and their sympathizers among the internees did everything possible to prevent the carrying out of the action. Small contributions interned showed their miserable situation, but also demonstrated their sincere desire to contribute even a small amount to help their countrymen.


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How to Cite

Sribnyak, I. (2016). CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS’ ACTIVITY AT THE CAMP OF JOSEFOV (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) IN 1921–1925s. Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (2), 10–19.



History of the world