Education Development Issue in Activity of Kyiv City Council in 1906–1910s: Based on Information from Periodicals




Kyiv City Duma, representatives (public), network of schools, land uptake


The article considers the development of education in Kyiv in the early twentieth century. Particular attention is paid to the efforts of the City Council to build a network of educational institutions and implement the task of meeting the educational needs of the population of the suburbs and outskirts. It is revealed that the activity of the Duma, the cadence of 1906–1910s in the field of education was mainly limited to financial and economic affairs. Discussion of land allocation for the construction of educational institutions became the subject of sharp political discussions of vowels and became an obstacle to the rapid settlement of urgent educational processes. Through the efforts of the Duma of 1906–1910, the network of educational institutions was expanded to meet the needs of the growing city. During the cadence, 7 new single-grade schools were opened, a four-grade school named after Tsarevich Oleksiy and a women’s two-grade school. The Duma helped ensure access to education in all corners of the city, thanks to which the sixth gymnasium was opened in Lukyanivka, where until 1908 there were no educational institutions at all. Kyiv City Duma has repeatedly turned its attention to the maintenance of schools and their financial support. All of this required the flexibility of public decisions to settle the cost of school equipment and rent payments. The most important achievement was the development of a project of the city school network with a financial plan for general education with a implementation period of 12 years. A significant achievement was the census of school-age children. Based on the obtained statistical data, the school commission was able to make calculations and set an approximate vector of educational needs for Kyiv. The most informative sources that allow to cover in detail the decision-making process and the political struggle over the development of education are Kyiv periodicals, in particular, «Kyivlianyn» and «Rada».


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How to Cite

Ivanyuk, O., & Martianova, Y. (2021). Education Development Issue in Activity of Kyiv City Council in 1906–1910s: Based on Information from Periodicals. Kyiv Historical Studies, (1 (12), 158–166.