Could the Marriage of a Female Educator Be Grounds for Dismissal? Opinions of Educational Institution Administrators at Kyiv Educational District in the Early 20th Century
female educator, class supervisor, married female educator, female education, head of a women’s gymnasium, chair of the pedagogical council, Kyiv educational districtAbstract
Gender inequality shapes the study of women’s professional activities in the modern era. The aim of the article is to elucidate the positions of educational institution administrators within the Kyiv educational district regarding the (in)advisability of female educators continuing to work after marriage, based on a survey of 1903 respondents. The investigation methods include content analysis and the achievements of gender studies. It was established that approximately a quarter of the administrators fully supported the ministry’s proposal to dismiss married female educators, while 32,4% cautioned against unconditional legislative action in this area, and 43,2% outright opposed its practical feasibility. Dominant markers of the image of the female educator included professional-functional, moral-ethical, family-marital, and economic aspects, which, depending on the administrators’ positions, acquired corresponding arguments and conclusions. The functional dichotomy of a married educator between professional duties and family obligations was perceived both by the majority of administrators and categorically rejected by some of them. The study justifies the change in attitude towards the potential reproductive capacity of female employees in official correspondence. It was revealed that the natural conditions of female educators, resulting from childbirth, no longer concerned a significant portion of educational institution administrators. Some have advocated for the necessity of social guarantees for female employees as future mothers. The perception of women’s emancipation is supported by the thesis that the qualification of female educators was determined not by their marital status, but by their individual qualities. This deepens the notion of equality of rights and responsibilities among individuals tasked with teaching, regardless of gender.
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